Skeletons in the Closet (Shadowy Solutions Book 1) by Nicky James #Audiobook #MMRomance #Contemporary #Review #LGBT #Suspense

Erryn reviews ‘Skeletons in the Closet (Shadowy Solutions Book 1)’ by Nicky James. This book was released by the author on May 30, 3034, and is 367 pgs long. The audiobook version of this story was narrated by Nick J. Russo.  It was released on May 31, 2024, and is 10 hrs and 55 mins long. A copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

Why I read this book:  A Valor and Doyle spin-off? YES!

The last thing Diem Krause wanted to do was ask for Tallus’s help.

The too-hot-for-his-own-good records clerk was so far outside Diem’s league that he became tongue-tied in his presence. Six months ago, after an embarrassingly unimpressive exchange in the bedroom that accentuated Diem’s flaws, he swore never to go near the sultry man again.

When a new case lands on Diem’s desk, one involving a dead, allegedly unfaithful husband, Diem exhausts every means of investigation until he has no choice but to seek out the man he swore never to see again.

Tallus has skills Diem doesn’t. In addition to being confident and sociable, Tallus can act and help him get answers.

But inviting Tallus into his case means relinquishing control, and Diem hates not being in control. Not only is the Toronto Police Department’s records clerk fanatical about investigative work, but he also has a thing for making Diem uncomfortable and pushing his boundaries.

When the case takes a dark and dangerous turn, the two spend far too many long nights trying to puzzle things out. Tallus’s flirty, suggestive behavior is going to get them in trouble, and the last thing Diem wants is to end up in bed with him again. It was a disaster the first time, and Diem doesn’t want to revisit the shame.

Will Diem be able to resist Tallus’s charm?

Can the two work together to solve the unusual case without crossing lines?

Diem isn’t so sure. He doesn’t want a partner. He doesn’t need a lover.

But with Tallus Domingo, he somehow ends up with both.

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My Review:

So good!

I’m a massive Nicky James fan.  I know, I know, I keep saying that. But it bears repeating.  I still want more Valor and Doyle – even after seven books.  So when I heard she was doing a spin-off series with my favorite records clerk with the Toronto Police Department, I was in.  I love that Nicky’s books are set in Canadian cities.  I’m sort of from Toronto (okay, my parents were and I lived there for a bit).  Toronto has always felt like home and her version is so true to form.  I love Canadian stories because they celebrate my country.  A country I’m proud of.

Okay, enough of that waxing poetical about all things True North.

Tallus and Diem.

Now, I love me some damaged characters.  Tallus has disappointments and some pretty horrible, homophobic family members. That shit sticks with a guy. Diem has real trauma as well.  Abusive asshole father who I just wanted to take out behind the woodshed – and I’m not prone to violence.  My stomach churned at what Diem has gone – and is still going – through.  Okay, enough spoilers on that.  This is a series, so I know there are more heartache moments to come.

Diem is a private investigator and I was pleased he has a real PI licence.  Of course, breaking rules seems to come easy to him – especially when it comes to Tallus.  They had a hot hookup for a nanosecond six months ago and it appears neither has forgotten the other.  Although one is a touch more obsessed than the other.  Again, I like realism.  Toronto is a damn expensive city.  Diem lives in his office.  Tallus has a car and an apartment…and lives paycheque to paycheque (yes, Canadian spelling!).

Oh, and there’s a mystery simmering beneath all this angst that’s going on (will they or won’t they? How would that work? What about the physical damage?).  The mystery had me guessing until the end – as would be expected from a Nicky James book in this vein.  Anyway, I won’t give it all away.  But, like I said, soooooooooooo good.

Finally, Nick J. Russo narrates all of Nicky’s books these days and he’s just fantastic.  I’m loving his work and I can’t wait for more Tallus and Diem.

My Rating:

10/10 Pots of Gold (100% Recommended) – Compares to 5/5 Stars

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I live in the small town of Petrolia, Ontario, Canada and I am a mother to a wonderful teenage boy (didn’t think those words could be typed together…surprise) and wife to a truly supportive and understanding husband, who thankfully doesn’t think I’m crazy.

I have always had two profound dreams in life. To fall back hundreds of years in time and live in a simpler world, not bogged down by technology and to write novels. Since only one of these was a possibility I decided to make the other come alive on paper.

I write mm romance novels that take place in fantastical medieval-type settings and love to use the challenges of the times to give my stories and characters life.

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