Bethany gives 10/10 pots of gold for The Devils Brew by Rhys Ford (Sinners 2.5)

Why I read this book
In exchange for my honest review Rainbow Gold Reviews was provided with an ARC of The Devils Brew, which is book 2.5 in the Sinner’s series.

The Devils Brew Rhys Ford Cover_small


A Sinners Series Novella

Miki St. John’s life has been turned upside down but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

His best friend, Damien Mitchell, is back from the dead. He has a dog named Dude. And more importantly, he and his lover, SFPD Inspector Kane Morgan, now share Miki’s converted warehouse.

For the first time ever, Miki’s living a happy and normal-ish life but when Valentine’s Day rolls around, Miki realizes he knows next to nothing about being domestic or domesticated. Nothing about the traditional lover’s holiday makes sense to him but Miki wants to give Kane a Valentine’s Day the man will never forget.

Can he pull off a day of wine and roses? Or will his screwed up childhood come back and bite Miki in the ass?

My thoughts

Ok so when I saw we had the opportunity to review this ARC I may or may not have screamed a little.  Ok that’s a lie, I screamed a lot.

And I may or may not have sent my kids to my aunts so I could read this in peace.  Ok that’s a lie also cause I totally sent them with my aunt.  Don’t judge.

And after finished this novella I realized one thing…I am Brigid.  I want to wrap Miki in a blanket, love him, hug him, rock him, and tell him it will all be ok.  Yea he would so avoid me.  Guess I will leave that to Kane.  Sinners Gin was my first book by Rhys Ford and I fell in love with Miki and Kane.  And after getting Whiskey and Wry I knew I was hooked.  So getting The Devil’s Brew, yea you can count me in.

Rhys Ford has a way of writing a story that sucks you right in and makes you feel like you are a part of the characters lives. And this one is no different, I could feel Miki’s anxiety just like in Sinner’s Gin.  You can also feel the comforting presence Kane has on Miki.  I loved that she not only brought in Damie and Sionn but she threw in Donal for good measure.  For such a short story she manages to have such a wonderful plot going that you feel you just read a full length novel. It will also leave you wanting more, counting down the days till Tequila Mockingbird. This book is just as brilliant as the first two, and bonus?  No one is trying to kill Miki. And the lyrics, amazing as always. So yea get this book when it comes out on May 21st. And if you have not yet read the first two in the Sinner’s series go do that first.
Pot Of Gold 10Special

One thought on “Bethany gives 10/10 pots of gold for The Devils Brew by Rhys Ford (Sinners 2.5)

  1. Pingback: Rhys Ford stops by to talk about The Devil’s Brews and a few other things | Rainbow Gold Reviews

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