‘Blue Mountain’ (Pack Collection, Book 1) by @CardenoC #AudioBookTour #Review

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Why I read this book: I am a HUGE Cardeno fan and when we had the chance to review this for the audio tour, I stole, um….snatched, er….asked politely if I could take it.  😉

We were offered this audio book in exchange for an honest review.

blue mountain audio coverBlurb:

Exiled by his pack as a teen, Omega wolf Simon Moorehead learns to bury his gentle nature in the interest of survival. When a hulking, rough-faced Alpha catches Simon on pack territory, he tries to escape what he’s sure will be imminent death. But instead of killing him, the Alpha takes Simon home.

A man of action, Mitch Grant uproots his life to support his brother in leading the Blue Mountain pack. Mitch lives on the periphery, quietly protecting everyone, but always alone. A mate is a dream come true for Mitch, and he won’t let little things like Simon’s rejections, attacks, and insults get in their way. With patience, seduction, and genuine care, Mitch will ride out the storm while Simon slays his own ghosts and Mitch’s loneliness.




Ok I guess I should start off by saying that I was not a huge fan of the narration.  In my mind the voice that was used for Fredrick was how I imagined Mitch’s voice.  As for Simons voice to me he sometimes sounded like a teenage boy the way his voice broke.  I have listened to Sean Crisden before and really liked him.  However with this one I just wasn’t able to connect to with how I thought they should have sounded.  My suggestion with this audio is try the sample to see how it works for you.

Now that said, I also must tell you that in no way did the narration take away from the story.  No the audio didn’t work for me this time but the story sure did.  Twin brothers of a pack they took over, both of which are alphas, well that sounds like a good time to be had by all.  Fredrick is married to a feisty alpha in her own way and the perfect mate for him, Mitch patiently awaits to find a mate of his own.  And find him he does.

Simon is on pack land to say goodbye the to mother who loved him unconditionally, even when it did cost her an early death.  Oh how that broke my heart.  So when Simon comes across the gruff, HOT, kinda scary alpha he is  sure he is about to join his mom.  But Mitch has different plans for this sweet submissive Omega.  Now that he finally found his mate he refuses to let him go.

I really liked this one, it is different from fated mate, shifter books I have read.  While one of them is absolutely positive they are mates, through his senses and smell, the other knows nothing about this.  Can you guess which one is which?  Since Simon hasn’t belonged to a pack for a very long time, he was never taught that these things are true.  He is scared and standoffish, and lives in constant fear of facing other pack members, as results of what happened to him as a child.

But Mitch refuses to let that stand in his way, he sets out to prove to Simon that what ever he decides Mitch will follow wherever he goes.  I loved watching them fall in love, and how Mitch stands up to his brother to defend his mate.  And man when the truth comes out about WHY Simon left his old pack, well lets just say I was shocked speechless.

I am a huge fan of Cardeno’s books, they are like hugs to me when I am having a bad day.  Or a good day.  And this one is no different, its sweet, with mild angst, HOT smexy times and a HEA that will leave you with a smile on your face. This is one I would highly recommend if you are looking for a light, fun new take on a shifter story.  I for one can’t wait to see where the author takes the pack next.



Buy Link: Audible



cardeno-c-logoCardeno C. – CC to friends – is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few “awwws” into a reader’s day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno’s stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever-after sunset.

Cardeno’s Home, Family, and Mates series have received awards from Love Romances and More Golden Roses, Rainbow Awards, the Goodreads M/M Romance Group, and various reviewers. But even more special to CC are heartfelt reactions from readers, like, “You bring joy and love and make it part of the every day.”

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